Here you can find news related to the POWER4BIO project.
News Archive

New article published: Havani et al. (2022): Bio-based Business Models: specific and general learnings from recent good practice cases in different business sectors
Hatvani_et_al_2022: Bio-based Business Models: specific and general learnings from recent good practice cases in different business sectors Abstract Business models can be a perfect tool to meet the challenges in highlighting the competitiveness and sustainability potential [...]
POWER4BIO is coming to an end…
POWER4BIO is coming to an end... POWER4BIO is ending 31 March 2021 In March, POWER4BIO came to an end after 30 intense and hard-working months full of events and [...]
New deliverable: Summary report on specific interventions
New deliverable: Summary report on specific interventions Deliverable D5.5 has been delivered to the European Commission The bioeconomy involves the integration of various knowledge areas, policy fields and economic sectors [...]
Summary report of the POWER4BIO cross-visits
Summary report of the POWER4BIO cross-visits Deliverable D6.1 is available for download In pursuit for transformative development and advanced progress towards an “Organic Europe“ established on a [...]
Summaries of 5 new regional implementation plans
Summaries of 5 new regional implementation plans Public deliverable D5.4 is now available for download The bioeconomy has proposed a development path independent of fossil resources. With [...]
Report on the activities of the Community of Interest
Report on the activities of the Community of Interest Confidential report D7.5 delivered to European Commission The POWER4BIO project aims to help Central and Eastern European regions [...]
Report on actions to foster participation of regional stakeholders in international networks
Report on actions to foster participation of regional stakeholders in international networks Confidential report D6.3 has been delivered to the European Commission In a confidential report, POWER4BIO [...]
Final Report on dissemination and communication activities
Final Report on dissemination and communication activities POWER4BIO has reached 137,519 stakeholders!!! The confidential deliverable D7.6 Final Report on dissemination and communication activities within the 30 months [...]
Regional webinar “Implementation of the idea of bioeconomy in Mazovia in the agricultural, waste management and bioenergy sectors”
Regional webinar "Implementation of the idea of bioeconomy in Mazovia in the agricultural, waste management and bioenergy sectors" 29.3.2021 The regional webinar "Implementation of the idea of [...]
Report of Bioeconomy Innovation Week
Report of Bioeconomy Innovation Week March 3 - 5, 2021 Opening The three-day conference Bioeconomy Innovation Week, organised withing the POWER4BIO project, took place March 3 to 5. [...]
The POWER4BIO exploitation and sustainability plan was delivered to the European Commission
The POWER4BIO exploitation and sustainability plan was delivered to the European Commission Deliverable D7.4 finalised in February 2021 End of February 2021, the confidential deliverable D7.4 - POWER4BIO exploitation [...]
Public deliverable D2.5 explains the development and functionality of the POWER4BIO Bioeconomy Strategy Accelerator Toolkit (BSAT)
Public deliverable D2.5 explains the development and functionality of the POWER4BIO Bioeconomy Strategy Accelerator Toolkit (BSAT) Report was delivered to European Commission in January 2021 The Bioeconomy Strategy Accelerator [...]
Invitation to Bioeconomy Innovation Week
Invitation to Bioeconomy Innovation Week March 3-5, 2021, online The Bioeconomy Innovation Week, a high-level virtual conference organised within the POWER4BIO project, will take place from 3rd [...]
New public deliverable: Training design and materials for increasing the bioeconomy capacity of regional stakeholders
New public deliverable: Training design and materials for increasing the bioeconomy capacity of regional stakeholders Deliverable 6.4 is now available for download In the last months, [...]
Report about POWER4BIO cross-visit to Mazovia, Poland
Report about POWER4BIO cross-visit to Mazovia, Poland 20 and 21 January 2021 Due to COVID 19, the cross-visit to Mazovia took place online for two days: January 20-21, [...]
Summary of the workshop “Expanding the bio-based economy in European regions”
Summary of the workshop “Expanding the bio-based economy in European regions” 21 January 2021 In the framework of the POWER4BIO online cross-visit to Mazovia, the European Chemical [...]
Recordings of POWER4BIO webinar series: Bio-based materials
Recordings of POWER4BIO webinar series: Bio-based materials January 2021 POWER4BIO organised a training webinar series about bio-based materials. In two thematic training webinars, experts from the [...]
Report about POWER4BIO cross-visit to South Bohemia, Czech Republic
Report about POWER4BIO cross-visit to South Bohemia, Czech Republic November 30 and December 1, 2020 Due to COVID 19, the cross-visit to South Bohemia was held online during two [...]
Invitation to workshop: Expanding regional biobased opportunities in European regions
Invitation to workshop: Expanding regional biobased opportunities in European regions January 21, 2021 In the framework of the POWER4BIO cross-visit to Mazovia, on January 21st 2021, [...]
Invitation to POWER4BIO cross-visit to Mazovia, Poland
Invitation to POWER4BIO cross-visit to Mazovia, Poland January 20 and 21, 2021 This online cross-visit is jointly organised by the Mazovia Energy Agency, the Mazovia region [...]
POWER4BIO and BE-Rural organised joint breakout session at GBS2020 on regional bioeconomy
POWER4BIO and BE-Rural organised joint breakout session at GBS2020 on regional bioeconomy November 18, 2020 On November 18, POWER4BIO and BE-Rural co-organised a workshop at the Global Bioeconomy Summit [...]
POWER4BIO contributed to EuBioNet workshop on communicaton and stakeholder engagement in COVID-19 times
POWER4BIO contributed to EuBioNet workshop on communicaton and stakeholder engagement in COVID-19 times November 11, 2020 On November 11, the European Bioeconomy Network (EuBioNet), network of more than 60 [...]
Recordings of POWER4BIO webinar series: Bioenergy
Recordings of POWER4BIO webinar series: Bioenergy December 2020 In December 2020, POWER4BIO organised a training webinar series about bioenergy. In a set of three thematic training webinars, [...]
Summaries of 5 new regional bioeconomy strategies are now available
Summaries of 5 new regional bioeconomy strategies are now available Public deliverable D5.3 is now available online Understanding the crucial role that regions play in the transition towards [...]
Invitation to POWER4BIO cross-visit to South Bohemia, Czech Republic
Invitation to POWER4BIO cross-visit to South Bohemia, Czech Republic November 30 and December 1, 2020 On November 30 and December 1, the next POWER4BIO online cross-visit to South Bohemia, [...]
POWER4BIO cross-visit to Andalusia, Spain
POWER4BIO cross-visit to Andalusia, Spain Bioeconomy in Andalusia, 20. and 21.10.2020 The POWER4BIO regional cross-visit to Andalusia happened on October 20th and 21st where the status of implementation of the [...]
POWER4BIO and BE-Rural are co-organising a workshop at GBS2020
POWER4BIO and BE-Rural are co-organising a workshop at GBS2020 18 November 2020 On November 18, POWER4BIO and BE-Rural are co-organising a workshop at the Global Bioeconomy Summit 2020 (GBS2020). The workshop [...]
The First All-Ukrainian Forum of the forest-based industry is an important event in reference to the Ukrainian forest sector development
The First All-Ukrainian Forum of the forest-based industry is an important event in reference to the Ukrainian forest sector development September 2020 Within the frameworks of the 19th International Exhibition of [...]
Meeting of the Forest Sector Council in Lviv, Ukraine
Meeting of the Forest Sector Council in Lviv, Ukraine 15th September 2020 The regular meeting of the Forest Sector Council under the umbrella of the Lviv Regional State [...]
Recordings of POWER4BIO webinar series: Food and feed
Recordings of POWER4BIO webinar series: Food and feed October/November 2020 In October and November 2020, POWER4BIO organised a training webinar series about food and feed. In [...]
POWER4BIO online cross-visit to the Nitra region presented the priorities of bioeconomy development and examples of good practice
POWER4BIO online cross-visit to the Nitra region presented the priorities of bioeconomy development and examples of good practice 23 and 24 September 2020 An online cross-visit to the Nitra [...]
Report with the most promising paths and areas of cooperation for regions
Report with the most promising paths and areas of cooperation for regions New confidential deliverable D6.2 was delivered to European Commission The bioeconomy has the potential to mitigate climate change through [...]
Guidelines on how to access existing financial instruments to design new ones
Guidelines on how to access existing financial instruments to design new ones New confidential deliverable D4.4 was delivered to the European Commission This report presents the outcome of Task 4.4 in [...]
Invitation to the online POWER4BIO cross-visit to Nitra, Slovakia
Invitation to the online POWER4BIO cross-visit to Nitra, Slovakia Save the date: September 23 and 24 Please note that this event will be organised as an online meeting. From September 23 [...]
New deliverable: Methodology to set up/update bioeconomy strategies
New deliverable: Methodology to set up/update bioeconomy strategies The confidential report D2.4 was delivered to the European Commission Within the POWER4BIO project, the confidential report D2.4 “Methodology to set up/update bioeconomy [...]
Invitation to online POWER4BIO cross-visit to Andalusia, Spain
Invitation to online POWER4BIO cross-visit to Andalusia, Spain Save the date: October 20 and 21 Please note that this event will be organised as an online meeting. The [...]
New deliverable: Financing mechanisms for the bio-based industry
New deliverable: Financing mechanisms for the bio-based industry D4.3: Recommendations for the use of European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) and other funding instruments in early stage finance [...]
Webinar series in Hungary: Sustainable and circular bioeconomy
Webinar series in Hungary: Sustainable and circular bioeconomy June 2020 A three-part webinar series was organised in Hungary in June 2020. The aim of the webinars was to inform [...]
POWER4BIO cross-visit to Central Germany – Day 3: Technical visit
POWER4BIO cross-visit to Central Germany - Day 3: Technical visit 25.6.2020 On the third day of the POWER4BIO cross-visit to Central Germany, a technical visit was organised for the POWER4BIO [...]
POWER4BIO cross-visit to Central Germany – Day 2: Workshop
POWER4BIO cross-visit to Central Germany - Day 2: Workshop Overcoming regional bioeconomy challenges, 24.6.2020 The second day of the POWER4BIO cross-visit was dedicated to the workshop "overcoming regional bioeconomy challenges". [...]
POWER4BIO cross-visit to Central Germany – Day 1: Symposium
POWER4BIO cross-visit to Central Germany - Day 1: Symposium Bioeconomy in Central Germany region, 23.6.2020 On June 23 and 24, the POWER4BIO cross-visit to Central Germany took place [...]
POWER4BIO event calendar is currently updated with exciting events in the field of bioeconomy and beyond
POWER4BIO event calendar is currently updated with exciting events in the field of bioeconomy and beyond June 2020 As a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic, a lot of events were either [...]
POWER4BIO webinar series: Biochemicals
POWER4BIO webinar series: Biochemicals June/July 2020 POWER4BIO organised a training webinar series about biochemicals. In five thematic training webinars, experts from the POWER4BIO consortium, related bioeconomy projects, [...]
BIOeast webinar: Developing multi-stakeholder partnerships and co-creation for boosting the uptake of bioeconomy in Central Eastern Europe
BIOeast webinar: Developing multi-stakeholder partnerships and co-creation for boosting the uptake of bioeconomy in Central Eastern Europe 15.6.2020 Within the BIOeast webinar series “Advancing Sustainable Circular Bioeconomy in Central and Eastern [...]
First virtual POWER4BIO cross-visit to Lviv, Ukraine
First virtual POWER4BIO cross-visit to Lviv, Ukraine POWER4BIO partners and interested stakeholders met online On May 19, 2020, the cross-visit in the frame of POWER4BIO project in Lviv (Ukraine) took place. [...]
Overview of suitable regional policies to support bio-based business models
Overview of suitable regional policies to support bio-based business models New public deliverable D4.2 is published Within POWER4BIO, a new publicly available deliverable was created. This report presents the outcome of [...]
POWER4BIO reached 500 followers on Twitter!
POWER4BIO reached 500 followers on Twitter! 29.5.2020 We are proud to announnce that today we have reached the number of 500 follower on Twitter! We want to thank all followers for [...]
BE-Rural and POWER4BIO Joint Guidance Document for Stakeholders
BE-Rural and POWER4BIO Joint Guidance Document for Stakeholders Small-scale technologies and business models for regional bioeconomies The two Horizon 2020 projects BE-Rural and POWER4BIO were funded under the same topic, RUR-09-2018. [...]
Catalogue of bio-based solutions is now online
Catalogue of bio-based solutions is now online May 2020 Recently, the POWER4BIO catalogue of bio-based solutions had been launched. The catalogue is an online database that to date contains 30 factsheets [...]
Invitation to online cross-visit to Central Germany
Invitation to online cross-visit to Central Germany June 23 and 24, 2020 Please note that this event will be organised as an online meeting. On June 23 and 24, the regional [...]
New deliverable: Examples of regional bio-based business models
New deliverable: Examples of regional bio-based business models D4.1 was delivered to European Commission Based on pre-defined criteria, the most promising solutions from the collection of good practice cases set up [...]
New public deliverable: Best practice examples
New public deliverable: Best practice examples Deliverable D3.4 is now available for download The POWER4BIO project counts on learning from experiences. Examples and references might speed up the decision made at [...]
Analysis reports of bioeconomy potential in CEE regions
Analysis reports of bioeconomy potential in CEE regions January 2020 In January, analysis reports of bioeconomy potential in Central and Eastern European (CEE) regions were delivered to the European [...]
3rd Clean Air Congress in Warsaw
3rd Clean Air Congress in Warsaw Warsaw, February 26 The 3rd Clean Air Congress was held on February 26 in Warsaw. The event was mainly dedicated to energy efficiency [...]
POWER4BIO cross-visit to Flanders
POWER4BIO cross-visit to Flanders Brussels and Ghent, 20 and 21 February 2020 On the 20th and 21st of February, the POWER4BIO members visited Flanders. The cross-visit started on [...]
South Bohemia – Overview of POWER4BIO activities
South Bohemia - Overview of POWER4BIO activities November 2019 to January 2020 South Bohemia is one of the regions participating in POWER4BIO from Central and Eastern Europe. In all [...]
POWER4BIO general assembly in Brussels
POWER4BIO general assembly in Brussels 19 February 2020 On February 19, the POWER4BIO consortium met for their third General Assembly and the Second Steering Meeting in Brussels. The meeting [...]
Invitation to POWER4BIO cross-visit to Lviv
Invitation to POWER4BIO online cross-visit to Lviv May 19, 2020 Please note that this event will be organised as an online meeting.Due to current situation in reference to the COVID-19 outbreak, [...]
36,578 stakeholders were reached within the first 16 months of POWER4BIO
36,578 stakeholders were reached within the first 16 months of POWER4BIO Deliverable D7.3 “Middle-term Report on dissemination and communication activities” was delivered to the European Commission The POWER4BIO middle-term [...]
POWER4BIO cross-visit to Bavaria
POWER4BIO cross-visit to Bavaria Munich and Straubing, January 21 and 22 On January 21 and 22, the third POWER4BIO cross-visit to Bavaria took place in Munich and Straubing. Members [...]
Public deliverable: Catalogue with bio-based solutions
Public deliverable: Catalogue with bio-based solutions Deliverable D3.3 is now available for download Within POWER4BIO, an online catalogue was developed to help stakeholders in the field of bioeconomy to get an [...]
Second POWER4BIO press release is published
Second POWER4BIO press release is published 15 January 2020 POWER4BIO cross-visits The series of ten cross-visits to the POWER4BIO regions started in September In September 2019, the series of ten [...]
Invitation to POWER4BIO cross-visit in Flanders, Belgium
Invitation to POWER4BIO cross-visit in Flanders, Belgium February 20 and 21 Inclusion of primary production in bio-based value chains: Case studies and policy options How can we reinforce [...]
POWER4BIO review meeting in Brussels
POWER4BIO review meeting in Brussels Brussels, 18.12.2019 Shortly before Christmas, POWER4BIO is not on holidays yet. On December 18, POWER4BIO’s work package leaders and several partners from the consortium [...]
Third meeting with regional stakeholders in South Bohemia
Third meeting with regional stakeholders in South Bohemia 23rd October 2019 A third meeting with regional stakeholders was organised at the Faculty of Economics, University of South Bohemia, in [...]
10th Mazovia Development Forum
10th Mazovia Development Forum Mazovia, October 16-17, 2019 The 10th Mazovia Development Forum was held on October 16-17, 2019. This unique event organized by the Mazovian Unit for [...]
Application for Master of Bioeconomy in the Circular Economy (Biocirce) until November 15
Application for Master of Bioeconomy in the Circular Economy (Biocirce) until November 15 October 2019 The Master’s program (level II) in Bioeconomy in the Circular Economy (Biocirce) is [...]
Invitation to next POWER4BIO cross-visit in Bavaria, Germany
Invitation to next POWER4BIO cross-visit in Bavaria, Germany January 21 and 22 The next POWER4BIO cross-visit will take place in in Bavaria on the 21st and 22nd of January [...]
Report about Regional Bioeconomy Hubs was delivered to European Commission
Report about Regional Bioeconomy Hubs was delivered to European Commission Deliverable 5.1: "Report on CEE Regional Bioeconomy Hubs’ profiles and visions" In September, the deliverable D5.1 - Report on [...]
Second POWER4BIO cross-visit in Italy
Second POWER4BIO cross-visit in Italy Presentation of POWER4BIO in Brussels The 2nd POWER4BIO cross-visit took place in Naples, Italy, from the 2nd to the 4th October. In the [...]
POWER4BIO contributes to Horizon Europe Programme in the framework of the European Research & Innovation days
POWER4BIO contributes to Horizon Europe Programme in the framework of the European Research & Innovation days Brussels, 26 September 2019 Last 26 September, Ignacio Martín, POWER4BIO project coordinator, [...]
First POWER4BIO cross-visit in Hungary
First POWER4BIO cross-visit in Hungary Budapest, September 25 and 26 The first POWER4BIO cross visit took place in Hungary, on 25-26 September 2019. Altogether, more than 50 experts [...]
POWER4BIO Steering Committee Meeting Budapest
POWER4BIO Steering Committee Meeting Budapest Budapest, September 24 On September 24, the work package leaders and coordinators of POWER4BIO met in Budapest at the Aquincum Hotel for their [...]
POWER4BIO partner meeting Madrid
POWER4BIO partner meeting Madrid Second partner meeting of POWER4BIO In April, the POWER4BIO consortium, consisting of 17 partners from 11 European regions, met for the second time. The [...]
New publications of the Thematic Group on ‘Mainstreaming the Bioeconomy’
New publications of the Thematic Group on ‘Mainstreaming the Bioeconomy’ A multi-stakeholder Thematic Group on ‘Mainstreaming the Bioeconomy’, animated by the European Network of Rural Development, published recommendations on [...]
Report of the POWER4BIO e-conference
Report of the POWER4BIO e-conference We had a very successful month-long e-conference between March and April 2019 with more than 250 participants coming from the 10 POWER4BIO participant regions and [...]
Featured project: Biorefinery Glas – A Farmer-centric Bioeconomy Approach
Featured project: Biorefinery Glas – A Farmer-centric Bioeconomy Approach Over recent months, Biorefinery Glas, one of Europe’s first small-scale biorefinery demonstration projects, has been working with farmers in Ireland to [...]
Description of POWER4BIO for the members of the Community of Interest
Description of POWER4BIO for the members of the Community of Interest The POWER4BIO consortium includes different stakeholders leading the bioeconomy in 10 diverse European regions coming from 9 contrasting countries [...]
Sharing success stories and advancing regional strategies on bioeconomy
Sharing success stories and advancing regional strategies on bioeconomy Brussels, 26.6.2019 On 26 June 2019, the European Chemical Regions Network (ECRN), partner in POWER4BIO, organised a thematic event [...]
Database to store the examples in the catalogue
Database to store the examples in the catalogue One of the aims of the POWER4BIO project is to compile a catalogue containing factsheets on existing bio-based solutions towards resource-efficient biorefineries [...]
Cross-visit in Naples, Italy
Cross-visit in Naples, Italy From September 2019 to the end of the project, regular meetings will be organized for all the project partners, regional stakeholders, policy-makers and Community of Interest [...]
Cross-visit in Hungary
Cross-visit in Hungary From September 2019 to the end of the project, regular meetings will be organized for all the project partners, regional stakeholders, policy-makers and Community of Interest (CoI) [...]
Registration for Food|bio|tech Conference prolonged until 10th August
Registration for Food|bio|tech Conference prolonged until 10th August The Food|bio|tech Conference will take place in Nitra, Slovakia, on September 16-18. The purpose of the conference is to present actual results [...]
First public POWER4BIO deliverables are available
First public POWER4BIO deliverables are available Within POWER4BIO, a range of public deliverables will be produced. To date, two deliverables are available for download on the project material site: Deliverable [...]
Workshop on Circular Bioeconomy for rural development through biomass
POWER4BIO was presented in the Workshop on Circular Bioeconomy for rural development through biomass Madrid, 12 June 2019 POWER4BIO was presented at the workshop “Circular Bioeconomy for rural development [...]
CIRCE represents POWER4BIO at the Coordinators’ Day for Societal Challenge 2
CIRCE represents POWER4BIO at the Coordinators’ Day for Societal Challenge 2 Brussels, 6 June 2019 CIRCE was invited as coordinator of POWERB4IO to participate in the workshop “H2020 Societal [...]
Special week in POWER4BIO region Lviv about “Sustainable wooden constructions”
Special week in POWER4BIO region Lviv about “Sustainable wooden constructions” Lviv, Ukraine 20.05.2019 – 24.05.2019 "Special week" is a form of training that is used in Switzerland. Within [...]
Round Table “Topical issues of the development of the Ukrainian woodworking industry”
Round Table “Topical issues of the development of the Ukrainian woodworking industry” May 15, 2019 A round table was held within the framework of the International exhibition “Woodworking 2019”. More [...]
Regular meeting of the Forest Sector Council under the umbrella of the Lviv Regional State Administration
Regular meeting of the Forest Sector Council under the umbrella of the Lviv Regional State Administration May 14, 2019 To further advance the development of a Bioeconomy for the [...]
POWER4BIO presents its first advances at the Plant Based Summit in Lyon
POWER4BIO presents its first advances at the Plant Based Summit in Lyon Lyon, 22 May 2019 POWER4BIO was present at the Plant Based Summit last 22 May in [...]
Invitation to join the POWER4BIO Community of Interest
Invitation to join the POWER4BIO Community of Interest The POWER4BIO project was launched on 1 October 2018, with the aim of empowering regional stakeholders to boost the transition towards bioeconomy [...]
POWER4BIO e-conference
POWER4BIO e-conference The POWER4BIO project was launched on 1 October 2018 with the aim of empowering regional stakeholders to boost the transition towards bioeconomy regions in Europe. It assists to [...]
Boosting bioeconomy in ten European regions
Boosting bioeconomy in ten European regions POWER4BIO develops regional bioeconomy strategies and roadmaps by cross-border knowledge exchange The bio-based economy is a powerfully emerging sector with huge potential, [...]
POWER4BIO is now part of the European Bioeconomy Network
POWER4BIO is now part of the European Bioeconomy Network Network of EU funded projects in bioeconomy The European Bioeconomy Network (EuBioNet) gathers EU funded projects that are active in [...]
Stakeholders Panel meeting on Bioeconomy
Stakeholders Panel meeting on Bioeconomy Presentation of POWER4BIO in Brussels The Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (RTD) of the European Commission organised a Stakeholder Panel meeting in Brussels [...]
Workshop about sustainable and circular bioeconomy in Slovakia
Workshop about sustainable and circular bioeconomy in Slovakia Presentation of POWER4BIO project In October 22, our colleague Danka Moravcikova from the Slovak University of Agriculture (SUA) in Nitra [...]
Launch of POWER4BIO
Launch of POWER4BIO Kick-off meeting in Brussels In October 16/17, the POWER4BIO consortium met for the first time at their Kick-off meeting to launch the project in Brussels. There [...]