POWER4BIO and BE-Rural are co-organising a workshop at GBS2020

18 November 2020

On November 18, POWER4BIO and BE-Rural are co-organising a workshop at the Global Bioeconomy Summit 2020 (GBS2020). The workshop will be hosted by the European Commission’s Directorate-General Research & Innovation, Bioeconomy and Food Systems Unit and co-organised by POWER4BIO, BE-Rural, the Region Grand-Est, France, BIOVOICES, BIOEASTsUP and Submariner.
In four parallel working groups, organised as virtual breakout groups, the participants will have the opportunity to contribute to key questions for scalable and actionable bioeconomy solutions. The working groups are on land-based bioeconomy, blue bioeconomy, the role of the bioeconomy in developing countries and, facilitated by POWER4BIO and BE-Rural, bioeconomy in the regions/at regional level.
Thematic focus
The current Covid-19 pandemic has led to severe economic impacts throughout the world. Governmental recovery plans are developed to overcome the recession and to revive the economy. Coming out of this crisis offers the opportunity to invest into a more sustainable future. Instead of rebuilding the “old” fossil-based economy, the Covid-19 recovery could pave the way for the transition towards a “green” economy.
Central for this transition will be ‘Green Deals’, deeply transformative policies, which are going beyond the current policy and investment concepts. The bioeconomy, as sector, which combines economic growth with enhanced environmental performance and regeneration, provides a framework and navigation guide for simultaneously addressing multiple policy goals, including ambitions relating to climate change, biodiversity, circular economy, industrial policy, resource use efficiency and pollution. The sustainable and circular bioeconomy, with its potential to connect and implement transformative policies holistically could therefore be a building bloc for any future ‘Green Deal’ initiative around the world.
The aim of the workshop is to showcase the opportunities the sustainable and circular bioeconomy can provide to make (local and national) economies more resilient and to stimulate growth for the Covid-19 recovery as well as for the green transition towards a carbon neutral future, through the collection of scalable and actionable bioeconomy solutions from different continents.
For more information and to register for the workshop and the Global Bioeconomy Summit 2020, please visit the website of the GBS2020.