Invitation to workshop: Expanding regional biobased opportunities in European regions

January 21, 2021
In the framework of the POWER4BIO cross-visit to Mazovia, on January 21st 2021, from 11:10 to 12:40, the European Chemical Regions Network (ECRN) organizes the workshop “Expanding the bio-based economy in European regions”.
The event will present regional opportunities and promising bio-based solutions and exchange knowledge and insights for upscaling the bio-based economy in European regions. The scope of the workshop is to identify the most promising areas of cooperation among regions and support the creation of innovative cross-border bio-based value chains.
Knowledge sharing and cooperation between regions are key success factors for the development and implementation of bioeconomy strategies. By bringing together regions with more established bio-based ecosystems and regions that are in the process of developing their bio-based economy, the workshop will provide a knowledge bridge to improve the uptake of a sustainable bioeconomy in Europe.
Register for the workshop “Expanding the bio-based economy in European regions” here.