At A Glance

Area: 76.343 km²
Total population: 682.587
Bioeconomy maturity: Low
Bioeconomy strategy: No
Main feedstock: Agricultural residues, water waste treatment and sludge, municipal waste
POWER4BIO partner: Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (SUA)
Contact person for Nitra: Danka Moravcikova

Bioeconomy Strategy
Slovakia does not have bioeconomy strategy yet but there are some programmes related to bioeconomy:
- National RIS3 / regional RIS3
- Key areas of scientific specialization
- National Action Plan for energy from renewable energy sources
- Rural Development Programme of the SR (2014 – 2020)
- Programme of Economic and Social Development of the Nitra region (2016 – 2022)
Main Targets Of The Region Regarding Bioeconomy
- Innovations and optimization of processing of primary products for food with added value
- Support of bioeconomy
- Innovative methods of harvested production and processing of biomass
- Utilization of biomass for energy purposes
Main Stakeholders
In The Region
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the SR
Regional government
R&Dis and HEIs
Slovak Innovation and Energy Agency
Bioeconomy cluster
Local governments
Innovative small and middle entrepreneurs and businesses
Active civic society with awareness to bioeconomy
Profitable value chains for small-scale farmers
Available Biomass Sources
At Regional Level
- Agricultural residues
- Forest residues
- Industrial waste
- Animal by-products livestock waste
- Municipal waste
- Energy crops
- Food losses
All Regions Participating In POWER4BIO
Ten regions from nine different countries are participating in POWER4BIO, five of which coming from Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) and five from Western and Southern Europe (WSE).