At A Glance

Area: 35.558 km²
Total population: 5.391.813
Bioeconomy maturity: Medium – low
Bioeconomy strategy: No
Main feedstock: Agricultural residues, water waste treatment and sludge, municipal waste, forest residues
POWER4BIO partner: Mazovia Energy Agency (MAE)
Contact person for Mazovia: Aleksandra Luks

Bioeconomy Strategy
The Mazovia Region didn’t elaborate the regional strategy of bioeconomy so far, but the idea of bioeconomy is present in many strategic documents:
- Development Strategy of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship 2030
- Regional Innovation Strategy for the Mazowieckie Voivodeship 2020
- Rural Development Programme for 2014-2020
- Waste Management Plan of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship
Main Targets Of The Region Regarding Bioeconomy
- Development of rural areas through strengthening local specializations and diversifying economic activity
- Developing an agri-food industry making use of local resources
- Facilitating access to agricultural advisory services and developing and upgrading technical infrastructure used to produce and store agricultural products
- Connection and symbiosis of the chemical and waste management sectors with agriculture
- Bioeconomy as a source of resources for development RES in the Mazovia Region
Main Stakeholders
In The Region
Local authorities (regional government and 314 municipalities)
R+D institutes
Available Biomass Sources
At Regional Level
- Straw
- Hay
- Forests
- Orchards
- Cereals
- Sugar beet
- Rapeseed
- Potatoes
- Livestock
All Regions Participating In POWER4BIO
Ten regions from nine different countries are participating in POWER4BIO, five of which coming from Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) and five from Western and Southern Europe (WSE).