Bioeconomy Innovation Week

Download the presentations of day 1

Presentation of Pál Goda: Welcome

Presentation of Tomasz Calikowski: Opening remarks

Presentation of Barna Kovács: BIOEAST working for sustainability transition

Presentation of Anikó Juhász: Bioeconomy in Hungary

Presentation of Tugomir Majdak: Building a sustainable and circular bioeconomy in Croatia

Presentation of Pénélope Vlandas: The new CAP proposal: opportunities for the bioeconomy

Presentation of Dušan Drabik: How could the CEE countries better assess their bioeconomies

Presentation of Biljana Kulišić and Markus Lier: Evidence-based bioeconomy policies – a bioeconomy sector analysis for BIOEAST countries

Presentation of Martin Banse: How could the CEE countries and/or their regions measure the development and/or success of their bioeconomies

Presentation of Robert M’Barek: Elements of the future prospects for the bioeconomies in the CEE countries

Download the presentations of day 2

Presentation of Magdalena Borzęcka: The role of the BIOEASTsUP Project in exploiting bioeconomy of CEEc

Presentation of Pawel Chmielinski: The role of the ERDN

Presentation of Susanna Albertini: Raising awareness of circular and sustainable bioeconomies – The role of EuBioNet and Transition2BIO in supporting CEE countries

Presentation of Peter Canciani: The role of CELEBIO

Presentation of Holger Gerdes: Developing Rural Bioeconomies by focusing on Regional Strengths: Insights from the BE-Rural Project

Presentation of Marie Kubánková: The Establishment of the National BIOEAST HUB CZ – The Encouragement for the BIOEAST Region

Presentation of Magdalena Borzęcka: Bioeconomy Platform as a tool for supporting the development of the bioeconomy in Poland

Presentation of Katarína Blicklingová: Slovak Bioeconomy Cluster – Innovation, Cooperation, Opportunities

Presentation of Irīna Kulitāne: The role of the Latvian Food Bioeconomy Cluster

Presentation of José Matos: The role of SCAR

Presentation of Biljana Kulišić: The role of Bioenergy TWG in the BIOEAST Initiative

Download the presentations of day 3

Presentation of Ignacio Martin Jimenez: Introduction of BSAT

Presentation of Martien van den Oever: Catalogue of bio-based solutions

Presentation of Nóra Hatvani: Business models behind bio-based good practices

Presentation of Laura García Laverde: Developing regional bioeconomy strategies in CEE regions: results and lessons learned

Presentation of Francesca Natali: The role of financial instruments to empower bioeconomy strategies

POWER4BIO cross-visit to Mazovia, Poland

Here you can download the presentations of the POWER4BIO cross-visit to Mazovia:
Mazovia Region: Administration & Economy
Speaker: Mariusz Rukat – Chancellery of the Marshal Office of the Marshal of the Mazovian Voivodeship

Availability and use of agricultural resources. Bioeconomy development potential in this sector in Mazovia
Speaker: Marta Król – Marshal’s Office of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship. Department of Agriculture and Rural Development

Availability and use of resources from waste management. Bioeconomy development potential in this sector in Mazovia
Speaker: Urszula Pawlak – Marshal’s Office of the Mazowieckie

Transformation towards a bioeconomy. Social and environmental aspects
Speaker: Dr Piotr Wieczorek – Polish Biomass Society. Department for Fuels and Bioeconomy at Łukasiewicz Research Network – Automotive Industry Institute

Research and innovation in the field of bioeconomy in Poland
Speaker: Dr Marek Hryniewicz – Institute of Technology and Life Sciences. Department of Economical and Energetical Analyses

Assumptions and review of the bioeconomy development strategy for Mazovia
Speaker: Prof. Piotr Gradziuk – Institute of Rural and Agricultural Development, Department of Economic Modeling of the Polish Academy of Sciences

Public and institutional support for the development of bioeconomy in Mazovia
Speaker: Marek Pszonka – Mazovia Energy Agency on behalf of Marshal’s Office of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship. Department of Regional Development and European Funds

Case study 1: The future of single-use food packaging according to BIOTREM. Biodegradable single-use tableware and packaging made from plant-based raw materials – by-products and waste of the agri-food industry
Speaker: Artur Bednarz – BIOTREM

Case study 2: Work of the KEZO Research Center on energy systems including biomass
Speaker: dr inż. Patryk Chaja – Polish Academy of Sciences Research Centre Energy Conversionand Renewable Resources

Workshop “Expanding the bio-based economy in European regions”

POWER4BIO webinar series: Bio-based materials

Training webinar 1: Introduction to biomaterials

• Katalin Kalai (Bay Zoltan Nonprofit Ltd.): Welcome and introduction
Download presentation

• Ignacio Martinez (CIRCE, coordinator of POWER4BIO): POWER4BIO’s Bioregional strategy accelerator toolkit

• Kornel Mateffy (Bay Zoltan Nonprofit Ltd.): Introduction to biomass valorisation for biomaterials
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• Philippe Willems (Orineo): Biomaterials success stories: Orineo, a matter of Impacting Authenticity
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Training webinar 2: Biomaterials: financing, supporting policies, good practice cases

• Luigi Amati (META Group): How to finance biomaterials and their value chains using European Structural and Investment Funds
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• Berien Elbersen (Wageningen Environmental Research): Supporting policies for bioeconomy – focus on biomaterials
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• Filip Miketa (Bio-mi Ltd.): Biomaterials success stories: from R&D to production of bio-based and compostable plastics and products
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• Gianluca Belotti (Mogu S.l.r.): Biofabrication success story: mycelium based materials for different purposes
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• Jan Palmaers (EXIE – Experts in Healthy Houses): Nature is the best insulator – company presentation
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POWER4BIO cross-visit to South Bohemia, Czech Republic

Here you can download the presentations of the cross-visit:

Presentation of Ing. Bc. Jan Maršák, Ph.D.: Preparation of circular economy strategy for the Czech Republic (Circular Czechia 2040)

Ing. Iva Blažková, Ph.D.: Activities in Bioeconomy, BIOEAST Initiative

Ing. Jan Jareš, JVTP: Regional position of bioeconomy in updated national and regional RIS3

Ing. Viktor Vojtko, Ph.D.: Ceske Budějovice bioeconomic activity

Results of the interactive cluster mind mapping

Markus Detenhoffer Ph.D.: Project CELEBIO – Assessment of the biomass potential in Czech Republic

Ratna Chrismiari Purwestri: Project NAZV – Comparison of forest bioeconomy strategies

doc. Ing. Hájek, Ph.D.: Bioeconomy Platform for the Czech Republic

Ing. Michaela Novotna: Regional contact agency and bioeconomy activities

Josef Maxa: Bioeconomy Courses – University of South Bohemia 2016-2019

Results of interactive cluster mind mapping

Dagmar Milerová Prášková: Circular (bio)economy in the Czech Republic

Bc. Hana Gabrielová: How hemp activities enables The Green Deal

doc. Ing. Martin Jankovský, Ph.D.: Insulation material from recycled sources

Mgr. Vlaďka Matušková, MSc.: Hydal project

Jan Vávra, Ph.D.: Gardening and Bio waste

Results of interactive cluster mind mapping

prof. RNDr. Jiří Masojídek: Microalgae biotechnology

doc. Ing. Jan Mráz, Ph.D.: Aquapony as an example of sustainable production of food

Ing. Miroslav Kajan: Biogas station – decentralized sources of renewable energy

doc. PhDr. Miloslav Lapka: Outcomes of our RBH group work

Results of interactive cluster mind mapping

Results of post event survey

POWER4BIO contribution to EuBioNet workshop on communicaton and stakeholder engagement in COVID-19 times

POWER4BIO webinar series: Bioenergy

Training webinar 1: High potential value chains. From conversion technologies to business cases

• Alessandro A. Carmona-Martínez (CIRCE): Biogas from agro-residues: farm waste as a resource for bioenergy production
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• Manolis Karampinis (CERTH; Coordinator of AgroBioHeat Project): Sustainable and economic rural heating with agro biomass: challenges, technologies and success cases
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Training webinar 2: Successful cases. Keys for success, collaboration schemes and roadmaps to promote the implementation of bioenergy projects

• Laura Carbó (Ayuntamiento de Vilafranca del Penedès): Project “Viñedos por Calor”
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• Tihamer Sebestyen (Green Energy Innovative Cluster): Roadmaps from promotion to implementation of small and medium size bioenergy projects in rural Romania
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Training webinar 3: Legislation and financing opportunities for bioenergy projects

• Francesca Natali (META Group): How to finance bioenergy companies and its value chain using ESIF. The ingenium ESIF fund: a tool to foster regional economic development
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• Alberto Rocamora (Bioenergy Europe Group): The European Green Deal: Bioenergy perspective
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• Berien Elbersen (Wageningen Environmental Research): Supporting policies for bioeconomy – focus on Bioenergy
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POWER4BIO webinar series: Food and feed

Training Webinar 1: Introduction to biomass valorisation for food and feed in the global picture

Presenter: Jan Broeze (Wageningen Food & Biobased Research)
Download presentation of webinar 1

Training Webinar 2: Technical examples on added value generation

Presenter: Marieke Bruins (Wageningen Food & Biobased Research)
Download presentation of webinar 2

Training Webinar 3: Examples connected to sustainability ambitions, upcycling and complete biomass valorisation

Presenter: Marieke Bruins (Wageningen Food & Biobased Research)
Download presentation of webinar 3

Training Webinar 4: Examples connected to trends in food

Presenter: Jan Broeze (Wageningen Food & Biobased Research)
Download presentation of webinar 4

Training Webinar 5: Technical examples of regional initiatives

Presenter: Marieke Bruins (Wageningen Food & Biobased Research)
Download presentation of webinar 5

Training Webinar 6: Learnings for high potential value chains

Presenter: Jan Broeze (Wageningen Food & Biobased Research)
Download presentation of webinar 6

Training Webinar 7: How to finance food and feed value chains using European Structural and Investment Funds

Presenter: Mr. Luigi Amati (META)
Download presentation of webinar 7

Training Webinar 8: Supporting policies for bioeconomy – focus on food and feed

Presenter: Dr. Berien Elbersen (Wageningen Environmental Research)
Download the presentation of webinar 8

POWER4BIO online cross-visit to Nitra, Slovakia

Selected presentations held in the Nitra online cross-visit can be downloaded here:

POWER4BIO cross-visit to Central Germany – Day 2: Workshop

POWER4BIO cross-visit to Central Germany – Day 3: Technical visit

Download the presentation of the cross-visit:

Presentation of Gerd Unkelbach

POWER4BIO webinar series: Biochemicals

Training Webinar 1: Biochemicals: status-quo at EU level and roadmap

• RoadtoBio: Dr.-Ing. Lea König – DECHEMA e.V. and Ms. Yamini Panchaksharam – E4tech (UK)
Download presentation

• Ms. Ilaria Re: EU Project Office Director from Consorzio Italbiotec
Download presentation

Training Webinar 2: Innovative practices and keys for successful business cases

• Best practice example – Biofabrik | The Green© Refinery: Mr. Oliver Riedel (CEO) – Biofabrik Technologies GmbH
Download presentation

• Biorefineries area exemplary R&D projects: Mr. Arne Gröngröft – DBFZ
Download presentation

Training Webinar 3: Sustainability in biochemical production

• Dr. Almona Tani: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations – FAO, Climate Change Division
Download presentation

Training Webinar 4: How to finance bio-based chemicals and its value chains using European Structural and Investment Funds

• Ms. Francesca Natali: META Group
Download presentation

Training Webinar 5: Supporting policies for bioeconomy – focus on biochemicals

• Dr. Berien Elbersen: Wageningen Food & Biobased Research
Download presentation

POWER4BIO cross-visit to Lviv, Ukraine

On May 19, 2020, the cross-visit in the frame of POWER4BIO project in Lviv (Ukraine) took place. It was the first POWER4BIO cross-visit that was organised online because of the Covid-19 pandemic. More than 35 participants took part in the online cross-visit. Among them were POWER4BIO project partners, representatives of the Lviv Regional State Administration and representatives of local stakeholders.