Recordings of POWER4BIO webinar series: Food and feed

October/November 2020
In October and November 2020, POWER4BIO organised a training webinar series about food and feed. In a set of eight thematic training webinars, experts from the POWER4BIO consortium gave insights about the current status of food and feed at EU level, innovative practices and keys for successful business cases, value chains, sustainability, funding opportunities and supporting policies. All webinars were free of charge and open to everyone.
In this POWER4BIO training webinar series about food and feed we showed examples and explained drivers and hurdles for valorisation of biomass for food and feed. Such valorisation on one hand contributes to fulfilling increasing demand for food and feed, and on the other hand may contribute to added value creation from e.g. side streams. Smart solutions will be necessary to satisfy the demands for food, feed and non-food applications. We presented drivers from policy and the potential impact for practical opportunities, and on the other hand explained practical examples.
On this website, you can download the presentations and you can watch the recordings of all eight webinars.
If any questions remain, please feel free to contact Mr. Martien van den Oever:
Training Webinar 1: Introduction to biomass valorisation for food and feed in the global picture
Wednesday, October 28; 9:00 – 9:45 am CET
This session introduced the context, drivers and characteristics of (circular) valorisation of biomass (side-) streams for food and feed. We presented an overview of drivers, opportunities as well as drawbacks and threats from an agro-food-biomass perspective and related to the current EU policy agenda.
Presenter: Jan Broeze (Wageningen Food & Biobased Research)
Download presentation of webinar 1
Training Webinar 2: Technical examples on added value generation
Wednesday, October 28; 10:00 – 10:45 am CET
A broad set of examples on valorisation of food processing side streams, extractions of valuable compounds from biomasses and new biomass production routes was presented, driven by needs and opportunities within the agro-food system. Generally, these examples were oriented on cost price reduction (cheap sourcing from biomass side streams, waste reduction) and/or new markets. The examples had varying levels of technology readiness.
Presenter: Marieke Bruins (Wageningen Food & Biobased Research)
Download presentation of webinar 2
Training Webinar 3: Examples connected to sustainability ambitions, upcycling and complete biomass valorisation
Wednesday, October 28; 11:00 – 11:45 am CET
In various situations sustainability ambitions are strong drivers to develop new ideas; some of these are successfully implemented in practice.
Presenter: Marieke Bruins (Wageningen Food & Biobased Research)
Download presentation of webinar 3
Training Webinar 4: Examples connected to trends in food
Wednesday, November 4; 9:00 – 9:45 am CET
In this session, examples were shown that fill in demands connected to food trends.
Presenter: Jan Broeze (Wageningen Food & Biobased Research)
Download presentation of webinar 4
Training Webinar 5: Technical examples of regional initiatives
Wednesday, November 4; 10:00 – 10:45 am CET
Various initiatives are driven by specific regional conditions; through a number of examples we showed how such opportunities are utilized.
Presenter: Marieke Bruins (Wageningen Food & Biobased Research)
Download presentation of webinar 5
Training Webinar 6: Learnings for high potential value chains
Wednesday, November 4; 11:00 – 11:45 am CET
Based on practical examples and their relationship with external drivers and hurdles (presented in the foregoing webinar sessions), learnings for developing new value chains were presented.
Presenter: Jan Broeze (Wageningen Food & Biobased Research)
Download presentation of webinar 6
Training Webinar 7: How to finance food and feed value chains using European Structural and Investment Funds
Wednesday, November 11; 9:00 – 10:15 am CET
In the 7th POWER4BIO training webinar about food and feed, we envisaged the design and access to funding schemes to set up financial products for food and feed enterprises. We also took into account practical aspects to implement financial Instruments. We revealed our lessons learned in the fields of loan, guarantee and equity instruments and presentation of relevant best practices.
Presenter: Mr. Luigi Amati (META)
Download presentation of webinar 7
Training Webinar 8: Supporting policies for bioeconomy – focus on food and feed
Wednesday, November 11; 10:15 – 11:30 am CET
In the 8th and last training webinar of this POWER4BIO webinar series, we tackled the needs, limitations and opportunities of policy instruments for the food and feed sector. We took a closer look to policy instruments that facilitate and set requirements to the development of potential value chains. We also presented results and good policy examples from task 4.2 of the POWER4BIO project: public policies and regulation to support bio-based business models at regional level.
Presenter: Dr. Berien Elbersen (Wageningen Environmental Research)
Download the presentation of webinar 8