Invitation to online cross-visit to Central Germany

June 23 and 24, 2020


Please note that this event will be organised as an online meeting.

On June 23 and 24, the regional online conference on challenges and opportunities of the bioeconomy will provide a platform to regional stakeholders for the exchange of knowledge and to discuss the challenges of the bioeconomy and its implementation in European regions, with focus on the Central Germany region. Most importantly attendants will have the opportunity to exchange and co-create ideas to overcome encountered challenges during the workshop session.

The online conference is part of an intensive exchange between the 10 EU regions engaged in the POWER4BIO project – funded by the EU funding programme Horizon 2020 for research and innovation – to further advance the bioeconomy in Europe. The event is organised by the Deutsche Biomasseforschungszentrum gemeinnützige GmbH (DBFZ) in cooperation with the Bioeconomy Cluster e.V. and the Horizon 2020 project ENABLING (Enhance new Approaches in Biobased Local Innovation Networks for Growth).

This conference will provide a platform for dialogue with partners from POWER4BIO, stakeholders from Central Germany and other European regions in regards to current regional challenges being faced during the implementation of a circular bioeconomy in their rural and urban territories. Regional stakeholders from agriculture and forest sectors, bio-based industries, regional policy makers and research and academia are more than welcome to shape the discussion about the innovations and approaches required at regional level in order to tackle most pressing challenges of the regional circular bioeconomy.

During the first day (June 23), regional experts will present the status of bioeconomy in the central Germany region and the chances for its development. Presentations from bio-based industry representatives will highlighting the technological innovation and research advances, while pointing out the needs for further development. Other best cases examples outside the region will be shared as well to inspire new possibilities and cooperation within regional actors. The agenda will close with a podium discussion about the opportunities at sight to tackle possible regional challenges.

The second day will be the chance of regional stakeholders to interact with other attendants and shape the discussion of regional bioeconomy during the Workshop session “Overcoming regional bioeconomy challenges”. The workshop seeks to build on the collective knowledge of all participants to – bio-based sectors and stakeholders groups involved in the regional bioeconomies – to come out with proposals about potential measures to take in order to overcome bioeconomy implementation challenges. That includes issues of cooperation between the stakeholders, policy limitations, escalation of technology innovations and reediness in the region to support the development of strong bio-based value chains, with market uptake of generated bio-based products.

Please register using the following link:

In case you have any questions, please contact Laura García Laverde: