Final Report on dissemination and communication activities
POWER4BIO has reached 137,519 stakeholders!!!
The confidential deliverable D7.6 Final Report on dissemination and communication activities within the 30 months of POWER4BIO is about to be submitted to the European Commission. The different online communication tools like the POWER4BIO website, POWER4BIO social media channels and the POWER4BIO newsletter and all dissemination products that were produced within the lifespan of the project are presented. The latter are the general project presentation, press releases, the POWER4BIO brochure in English and several other languages, roll-ups, project card and publications. All dissemination activities done within this project as well as all events that were organised or attended by POWER4BIO partners are listed in the document.
Additionally, this report gives an insight to the number and type of stakeholders reached by all dissemination activities and events as well as corresponding metrics that quantify the reach of the project. Within the lifespan of the POWER4BIO project, a wide range of print and online dissemination products were produced and widely spread by the dissemination channels of all participating partners. Due to an extraordinarily engaged consortium, the POWER4BIO reached a Europe-wide broad recognition among relevant stakeholders from academia, industry and policy in the field of bioeconomy.
All dissemination activities, these include users of the POWER4BIO website and followers of the four POWER4BIO social media channels, reached 137,519 stakeholders in total. Around one third were stakeholders from general public, around 25 percent were stakeholders from academia, followed by roughly 16 percent stakeholders from industry and other stakeholders. In absolute numbers, almost 10,000 stakeholders from policy were reached. A significant portion of stakeholders was reached via social media. POWER4BIO reached a total of 2551 followers with the project’s own Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and YouTube channels, however, by very active dissemination via numerous social media accounts of engaged POWER4BIO partners, a total of 68,304 stakeholders were reached via social media. The POWER4BIO consortium was also very active in the organisation of events and in participation. A total of 7,786 stakeholders were reached by events, a total of 78 events organised and 102 events attended by POWER4BIO partners. The POWER4BIO consortium wants to thank all stakeholders for their great interest and active engagement in POWER4BIO!