POWER4BIO was presented in the Workshop on Circular Bioeconomy for rural development through biomass
Madrid, 12 June 2019
POWER4BIO was presented at the workshop “Circular Bioeconomy for rural development through biomass” held in Madrid on 12 June at the Headquarters of the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, fisheries and food. The event was organized by this Ministry, ASAJA (Association of Young Farmers) and CIRCE and was divided in two blocks.
Secretary General of Agriculture and Food, Fernando Miranda, opened the event presenting the Bioeconomy strategy framework at national and European level as well as the priorities that the Ministry has for its promotion in the agri-food and forestry sector. During his speech, Miranda highlighted the opportunity that preparation of the Strategy Plan for the new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) after 2020 offers to unfold the potential of the bioeconomy in Spain.
Subsequently, the Director General of Rural Development, Innovation and Forestry Policy, Isabel Bombal, presented the opportunities for the Bioeconomy at the national level within the framework of the CAP, the Research and Innovation Policy, and the environmental agenda.
In addition, a representative of the European Commission (Unit of Environment, Climate Change, Forestry and bioeconomy), presented the vision from the European point of view. A representative of the Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI) presented the existing R&D&I opportunities in the calls of Horizon 2020 and in the European initiative of Bio-Based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI-JU).
The second block was devoted to present experiences and on-going initiatives for the development of the Bioeconomy. Namely, CIRCE and ASAJA showed the results of the H2020 project “Up_running” about the use of agrarian pruning and plantation removal for energy purposes, presented as a successful example of the valorisation of by-products and the use of biomass. Along with this project coordinated by CIRCE and which finalizes this month, different entities presented several success stories at national level related to the circular bioeconomy, the use of prunings, the use of forest and agricultural biomass, the use of biofuels, biorefineries or the valorisation of waste. CIRCE highlighted the importance of the POWER4BIO project to support the development and review of Bioeconomy Strategies in the regions.
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