Third meeting with regional stakeholders in South Bohemia
23rd October 2019
A third meeting with regional stakeholders was organised at the Faculty of Economics, University of South Bohemia, in České Budějovice on 23rd October 2019. This POWER4BIO event focused on specialized feedstock based regional bioeconomy with respect to the South Bohemia Region, its challenges and opportunities. An important part of the meeting was dedicated to discussions about possible legal forms of future collaboration of regional bioeconomy stakeholders which would lead to a stronger position of the actors and allow access to further financial support schemes and opportunities.
The event also delivered information related to recent cross-visits in Budapest and Naples. Project team members and stakeholders discussed the outcomes of the cross-visits, and possible development paths of Czech bio-based sectors with respect to current challenges. Regional partners were invited to participate in next cross-visits, especially the upcoming cross-visit which will take place in Munich on the 21st and 22nd January 2020.