POWER4BIO partner meeting Madrid
Second partner meeting of POWER4BIO
In April, the POWER4BIO consortium, consisting of 17 partners from 11 European regions, met for the second time. The meeting took place at the premises of the Impact Hub Alameda in Madrid. In the first half day of the meeting, the work package leaders gave an overview of the activities of all work packages.
The coordinators from CIRCE reported the successful submission of eight deliverables and the achievement of two milestones within the first six months of POWER4BIO. One of the final products of POWER4BIO is the Bioregional Strategy Accelerator Toolkit (BSAT) that will integrate the most relevant existing bioeconomy tools and include all the support material developed under the project and will be made available for all European regions. Key performance indicators were selected that allow identifying the potential at the regional level in terms of bioeconomy. Also, an inventory of existing tools for the analysis of different aspects of a regional bioeconomy was done. These activities will contribute to the development of the BSAT.
After the overview of all work packages, several work sessions took place this and the next day. The POWER4BIO experts discussed about the creation of a catalogue of bioeconomy solutions and good practices examples and setting-up Regional Bioeconomy Hubs in Central and Eastern European regions. Two deliverables that were about to be finished were introduced to the partners and discussed. The conclusions of the workshops were integrated in the respective public available deliverables D2.2 – Key performance indicators to evaluate regional bioeconomies and D2.3 – Recommendations for the use of existing tools when developing regional bioeconomy strategies that can be downloaded on the project material site of the POWER4BIO website.