36,578 stakeholders were reached within the first 16 months of POWER4BIO
Deliverable D7.3 “Middle-term Report on dissemination and communication activities” was delivered to the European Commission
The POWER4BIO middle-term Report on dissemination and communication activities was delivered to the European Commission on January 31, 2020. It gives an overview of all dissemination and communication activities within the first 16 months of the POWER4BIO project. The different online communication tools like the POWER4BIO website, POWER4BIO social media channels and the POWER4BIO newsletter and all dissemination products that were produced until month 16 are presented. The latter are the general project presentation, press releases, the POWER4BIO brochure in English and several other languages, roll-ups, project card and publications. All dissemination activities done within this project as well as all events that were organised or attended by POWER4BIO partners are listed in the annex. Additionally, the report gives an insight to the number and type of stakeholders reached by all dissemination activities and events as well as corresponding metrics that quantify the reach of the project.
Within the first 16 months of the POWER4BIO project, a wide range of print and online dissemination products were produced and widely spread by the dissemination channels of all participating partners. Due to an extraordinary engaged consortium, the POWER4BIO reached a Europe-wide broad recognition among relevant stakeholders from academia, industry and policy in the field of bioeconomy.
All dissemination activities, these include users of the POWER4BIO website and followers of the three POWER4BIO social media channels, reached 32,832 stakeholders. More than one third are stakeholders from general public, around 20 percent are stakeholders from academia, followed by roughly 15 percent stakeholders from industry and other stakeholders. In absolute numbers, more than 1,000 stakeholders from policy were reached.
3,746 stakeholders were reached by events, 23 events organised, and 76 events attended by POWER4BIO partners, of which roughly one third are stakeholders from academia, another third from industry, and almost 15 percent policy makers. Altogether, the high number of 36,578 stakeholders were reached within the first 16 months. And the number of stakeholders continues increasing. The results of this Mid-term Report on Dissemination are in line with D7.2, the Dissemination and Communication Plan, and even exceeds the key performance indicators given in the plan.