The POWER4BIO exploitation and sustainability plan was delivered to the European Commission
Deliverable D7.4 finalised in February 2021
End of February 2021, the confidential deliverable D7.4 – POWER4BIO exploitation and sustainability plan – was finalised and delivered to the European Commission. This plan analyses the future opportunities to exploit the POWER4BIO outcomes after the official end of the project end of March 2021. As the Bioeconomy Strategy Accelerator Toolkit (BSAT) is the main outcome of POWER4BIO, where all results and findings of the project are collected and presented for interested stakeholders, this deliverable focuses on the exploitation of the BSAT.
The BSAT is a very powerful tool for policy advisors interested in developing or updating a bioeconomy strategy. The BSAT is routed on a methodology which guides through all the resources of interest for the users. Those resources have been developed by the POWER4BIO project. In total, over 30 supporting resources have been integrated in the methodology and made available in the BSAT. All the available tools, documents, videos, links to other external resources, tips and opinions are carefully selected and integrated in each phase and step designed to cover the whole process, from the analysis of the bioeconomy situation to the very end of a new/updated bioeconomy strategy.
The BSAT is full of useful documents updated, selected, and shaped to sustain the progress of the users. Also, all those available resources are explained and integrated in the right phase/step. To this end, those supporting documents must be updated, summarised and be tailored-made for the purpose for which it is meant for. Otherwise, the user would not be interested in using them and then, the BSAT in overall would be less useful.
Bioeconomy does change and can be subject to constant evolution. The bioeconomy trends evolve, and the regions are expected to follow the new market opportunities and technologies to adapt and design the bioeconomy strategies of the future. Thus, any refence and supporting tool is desirable to be maintained.
The BSAT is designed as a reference and supporting tool, which requires a constant update of the best cases, real examples and last news and tools developed of interest to the BSAT users. The POWER4BIO project is aware of this challenge. The activities undertook and described in this report aimed to explore different options to operate and maintain the developed BSAT beyond the execution of the POWER4BIO project. To this end, several actions have been undertaken to promote, negotiate, explore, discuss and adapt the BSAT, but also the catalogue of the POWER4BIO project among institutions, entities, regions, associations, or any potentially interested entity in maintaining, operating and updating the BSAT in the future.