Regular meeting of the Forest Sector Council under the umbrella of the Lviv Regional State Administration
May 14, 2019
To further advance the development of a Bioeconomy for the POWER4BIO region Lviv, located in the Ukraine, several bioeconomy experts and regional authorities met at the regular meeting of the Forest Sector Council under the umbrella of the Lviv Regional State Administration. The meeting took place on May 14, 2019 within the framework of the XXII International Exhibition “Woodworking 2019”. The following issues were considered:
- Intermediate results of the implementation of the head of the Lviv Regional State Administration order № 274/0/5-18 from April 2, 2018 “About promoting the development of the subjects of economic activity of the woodworking industry of the Lviv region”.
- Bioeconomy Strategy of the Lviv region
Mr. A. Deineka, chief of the Lviv Regional Department of Forestry and Hunting, reported about intermediate results of the implementation of the order of the head of the Lviv Regional State Administration. The second issue was dedicated to the Bioeconomy Strategy of the Lviv region, reported by the head of the Furniture and Wooden Articles Technology Department of the Ukrainian National Forestry University, professor, Doctor of Science, O. Kiyko. He informed about the intermediate results of the development of the Bioeconomy Strategy of the Lviv region and mentioned that the following three important steps have to be made:
- Step 1: Creation of an organizational infrastructure.
- Step 2: Analysis of the current state of bioeconomy of the Lviv region.
- Step 3: Development of the Bioeconomy Strategy of the Lviv region.
At present, the main components of the organizational infrastructure for the development of the Bioeconomic Strategy and the main branches of the bioeconomy of the Lviv region were identified. These include mainly the forest sector, but also the agricultural sector and the food industry.
A list of stakeholders necessary for a successful implementation of of the Bioeconomy Strategy for the Lviv region was discussed, like representatives of local authorities, business representatives and academia.
A one-year action plan for developing the Bioeconomy Strategy of the Lviv region was presented by prof. O. Kiyko, including several upcoming meetings with the Forest Sector Council and a visioning workshop planned.
The attendees of the meeting engaged in a lively discussion, Mr. V. Vorobey, director of the PPV “Knowledge Network”, expressed the wish that in the elaborated Bioeconomy Strategy tools should be offered for the implementation of closed-loop energy supply models. Deputy Head of Regional State Administration, Mr. R. Fylypiv, noted that it would be advisable to demonstrate the benefits of the bioeconomy on the example of a separate united territorial community.
The main outcomes of the meeting of the Forest Sector Council from 14.05.2019 were as follows:
- To approve the development plan of the Bioeconomy Strategy of the Lviv region.
- To plan a presentation of the Bioeconomy Strategy of the Lviv region in May 2020 at the meeting of the Forestry Sector Council within the framework of the XXIII International Exhibition “Woodworking 2020”.
- Take into account the results of the development of the Bioeconomy Strategy of the Lviv region for developing of the Lviv region Development Strategy until 2027.
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