Report about Regional Bioeconomy Hubs was delivered to European Commission
Deliverable 5.1: “Report on CEE Regional Bioeconomy Hubs’ profiles and visions”
In September, the deliverable D5.1 – Report on CEE Regional Bioeconomy Hubs’ profiles and visions – was submitted to the European Commission. The confidential report presents the POWER4BIO methodology to establish Regional Bioeconomy Hubs (RBHs), and the profiles of the newly established RBHs in each of the Central and East European (CEE) regions participating in POWER4BIO.
The report describes the processes and actions that allowed the five regions to consolidate their Regional Bioeconomy Hubs. It provides information about how to reach the support from an initial group of key stakeholders and how to set a common and co-created regional bioeconomy vision between them. This is framed in the POWER4BIO process for the development of regional strategies and road maps, with the cooperation of multi-actor groups that mobilize the initiative with a bottom-up approach, exploiting the advantages of the geographical proximity in the regional context. This proximity between stakeholders facilitates coordinated actions and the consolidation of trust between them.
Besides the methodological description, the deliverable contains the description of all Regional Bioeconomy Hub profiles. The report also shows the current structure and the list of members and their engagement activities. The results achieved in each region are essential for the following stages planned in POWER4BIO to successfully develop regional bioeconomy strategies.